Friday, January 28, 2011

Freedom! ... what what

So.  In case you hadn’t heard, I left my corporate job.
For real.
This is not a joke.
The older I get, the more I realize that working for a big ass conglomerate (or “working for the man”) is really not my thing.  Like not even a little bit.  Staring at a computer for 8-10+ hours a day with little to no human interaction just about killed me.  And I miss smaller workplaces – where I know everyone – their names, their job titles, where they sat in the office, their pets’ names, what they like to eat – all the little details that are missed when there are a bazillion people.  Anything bigger than 150-200 and I start getting itchy.  So imagine me at 15,000.  It’s like being covered in mosquito bites.

Mind you, not every large company is like this.  When I worked for a huge apparel retailer - at the corporate campus, we worked hard and played hard.  We were allowed to go workout on our lunch (sometimes for more than *gasp* an hour) and not get scolded for it.  Imagine it!  Actually leaving your desk to take a lunch or go workout!  We had tons of social events.  People came by to visit.  We weren’t just staring at our computer screens, keying shit…day in, day out.  There was variety.  And like minded people.

So not all big corps are alike.  Just some.  Here.  In.  Seattle.

But anyway…

With prodding from C and a couple of fabulous friends (the “blonde mafia” as I sometimes refer to them as), a few freaks outs, a “you’d do this for someone else, so do it for yourself” conversation, some tears, somewhat of an emotional breakdown, and more white hairs than I care to see on my head, I said “sayonara, bitches” to my current workplace and have joined the ranks of the other searchers.  HOLY SHIT!  I might actually make it to yoga everyday!  I’ll be able to spend more time at the park w/ my dog!  I can go back to cooking!  I can do massage whenever I want!  I can go back to personal training if I feel like it!  We’re gonna have the cleanest.  Place (and garage).  EVAR!

Now I can troll craigslist for something I truly want, thanks to my bestest friend and partner, C.

And I can finally take a little bit of time to chill…but you guys know me - I don’t take time!  It always has to be now now NOW!  So there’s that.  We’ll see how long I can sit still and NOT work.

You’re welcome to place bets…

**photo courtesy of yours truly.  Me and my tea.


  1. I KNOW this was the right decision. Congrats, Lily!

  2. Thanks Mary! And thanks for letting me vent! xo

  3. Great decision Lily! I am in the process of making the same decision - trying to figure out how to start my own cake decorating business and actually replace my salary. Misery does not even begin to describe how I feel about work right now. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm very proud of you!!

  4. Congratulations! I'm excited to see the many happinesses ahead of you.


  6. Thanks everyone. This adventure should be interesting...

  7. Wow. Exciting times. I'm jealous. Why doesn't C take care of ME like that?

  8. I love the C word! Congrats Lilzzz (the z's are for the extra naps you may enjoy), have fun with your freedom, now go clean and cook and sew and stuff!

  9. Congratulations on getting out before you got too itchy Lils. I love how you keep searching for the perfect recipe for your life. I wish you luck with finding the perfect glass slipper...though in your case I hope you find the perfect flip flop. You got pudge feet like me after all. :-)
