Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The last teeny tiny bits o' summer

Well, summer is almost gone, even though there's blue sky outside and temperatures hovering around 73 - which works for me!

We had our last bit o' outdoor summer fun'in this past weekend with Decibel Festival happening.
Friday was spent inside a club with no ventilation (you can bet I'll be mentioning that part in my review), listening to Emancipator and Beats Antique, while trying to keep from passing out from the humidity inside.  It was jam packed with about 50% of the people dancing and the other 50% trying to get to and thru the bar for a drink.  You know it's hot when the walls are sweating (blech!).

Saturday we ventured out on the scooter to meet some friends on the front lawn of the Seattle Centre for dB in the park.  When I say "a few" friends, I mean an entire lawn full of people.  It kind of looked like this.  It was a sunny day, the lawn was full of people dancing, laughing, hooping, or just gathering on blankets to hang out.  

It was the perfect end to a not so perfect (weather-wise, that is) summer.

I look forward to more outdoor events come next spring/summer & I'm sure my friends do too!

**Look at how happy we are!  Pic courtesy of my dear friend, Playapixie.


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